What are Liberal and Realist Views?
Liberal views or Liberalism as its commonly known is based around the idea that Humans will help each other and that war is the last resort. They therefore believe in the idea of universal and perceptual peace. Although they do agree that states will pursue activities for their own interest a natural equilibrium will always assert itself and a balance of interests will also appear and therefore create this universal peace. Their are also three key themes relating to Liberalism; Interdependence and Republican Liberalism and finally Liberal Institutionalism. On the other hand their is Realism which claims a more 'realistic view' on global politics and how states treat each other. Therefore they see global politics being about power and self-interest and Realists also state that Liberal view's are deluded and are for a World that does not exist (perfect and happy). Realism just like Liberalism also has key themes however their are four rather than three. They are as follows; State egoism, state craft and national interest, International anarchy and the balance of power.
Ups and Downs of Realism and Liberalism
Since the invention of both theory's they have both been in the minds of many and then in the minds of a few at some point. Liberalism first took shape during the end of World War 1 however original Liberal views can be dated back to the middle ages. Liberal views were very much in the minds of those who created the Treaty of Versailles. However due to this being seen as a failure as the World was plunged into War just 20 years later and not only that but their was the rise of radicalism in Germany and therefore Hitler. This failure then led to the marginalization of Liberalism after 1945. During this period of Liberal failure Realism was in the forefront of everyone's mind as Liberal views faced more and more criticism as they were seen as views that were for another World. During the Cold War Realism continued to be the leading theory however in the 1970's Liberal views gained momentum once more this time mainly in the form of neoliberal institutionalism. When the Cold War finally ended in 1991 this was seen as the Liberal moment in World affairs as states views were competing but they were able to find a solution to this in order to bring peace and harmony to the World just like Liberals see it. Not only that but Liberalism gained even further momentum due to the growing impact of globalization. As Liberalism returned in new forms so did Realism in the 1970's. The two theories then became more and more similar and the distinction between the two has now become blurred, more than ever before.
So were are they today and can they still apply?
First of all Realism is very much still alive and kicking. One of the reasons for this is that, international anarchy (discussed above as being one of the key themes of Realism) remains a basic feature of global politics. Also Realism and its consequences continue to be discussed about when governments decide to make actions the world over. A very recent example of this is with the US and their foreign policy. Mainly when talking about the War on Terror and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This is because the US just ignored all other countries and their opinion on the invasion and just thought about themselves (state egoism). So what about Liberalism? Liberalism is also flourishing in today's World and it can be argued that it is doing even better than Realism. The reasons for this are as follows; The European free trade and movement agreement is based on interdependence Liberalism. A very recent and on going example of this is Germany letting in thousands of migrants for nothing in return. Although ironically they have now taken back control of their borders and have said "no more". This can then be linked back to Realism. However their have been some recent divisions within the Liberal thinkers inner circle as, Republican Liberalists believe that Globalization and the growing power and integration of transnational cooperation's has undermined the quality of domestic democracy. With regard to what I believe; I think that Realism is now more suited to today's World. This is because more than ever we are seeing tensions build up around the World as Nation states try to build up their statue i.e North Korea and its attempts at a Nuclear Weapon's programme. Not only that but I do feel very strongly that states only act in their self interest and their are very few that discuss with others, how a certain action will effect other States. For example you can argue that the recent migrant crisis has in part been caused by the U.K and other nations as they persist on bombing the middle east and Syria in order avoid a potential terrorist attack or even just to make themselves look dominant on the World stage (state egoism). So in answer to the title of this blog. I very much think that Realist and Liberal views are still applicable.
Ups and Downs of Realism and Liberalism
Since the invention of both theory's they have both been in the minds of many and then in the minds of a few at some point. Liberalism first took shape during the end of World War 1 however original Liberal views can be dated back to the middle ages. Liberal views were very much in the minds of those who created the Treaty of Versailles. However due to this being seen as a failure as the World was plunged into War just 20 years later and not only that but their was the rise of radicalism in Germany and therefore Hitler. This failure then led to the marginalization of Liberalism after 1945. During this period of Liberal failure Realism was in the forefront of everyone's mind as Liberal views faced more and more criticism as they were seen as views that were for another World. During the Cold War Realism continued to be the leading theory however in the 1970's Liberal views gained momentum once more this time mainly in the form of neoliberal institutionalism. When the Cold War finally ended in 1991 this was seen as the Liberal moment in World affairs as states views were competing but they were able to find a solution to this in order to bring peace and harmony to the World just like Liberals see it. Not only that but Liberalism gained even further momentum due to the growing impact of globalization. As Liberalism returned in new forms so did Realism in the 1970's. The two theories then became more and more similar and the distinction between the two has now become blurred, more than ever before.
So were are they today and can they still apply?
First of all Realism is very much still alive and kicking. One of the reasons for this is that, international anarchy (discussed above as being one of the key themes of Realism) remains a basic feature of global politics. Also Realism and its consequences continue to be discussed about when governments decide to make actions the world over. A very recent example of this is with the US and their foreign policy. Mainly when talking about the War on Terror and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This is because the US just ignored all other countries and their opinion on the invasion and just thought about themselves (state egoism). So what about Liberalism? Liberalism is also flourishing in today's World and it can be argued that it is doing even better than Realism. The reasons for this are as follows; The European free trade and movement agreement is based on interdependence Liberalism. A very recent and on going example of this is Germany letting in thousands of migrants for nothing in return. Although ironically they have now taken back control of their borders and have said "no more". This can then be linked back to Realism. However their have been some recent divisions within the Liberal thinkers inner circle as, Republican Liberalists believe that Globalization and the growing power and integration of transnational cooperation's has undermined the quality of domestic democracy. With regard to what I believe; I think that Realism is now more suited to today's World. This is because more than ever we are seeing tensions build up around the World as Nation states try to build up their statue i.e North Korea and its attempts at a Nuclear Weapon's programme. Not only that but I do feel very strongly that states only act in their self interest and their are very few that discuss with others, how a certain action will effect other States. For example you can argue that the recent migrant crisis has in part been caused by the U.K and other nations as they persist on bombing the middle east and Syria in order avoid a potential terrorist attack or even just to make themselves look dominant on the World stage (state egoism). So in answer to the title of this blog. I very much think that Realist and Liberal views are still applicable.