Sunday 14 June 2015

Global Politics

The definition of Global Politics is; "Names both the discipline that studies the political and economical patterns of the world and the field that is being studied. At the centre of that field are the different processes of political globalization in relation to social power."

Global Politics is also to do with the whole world and their are many different factors that affect the global political situation such as conflicts through out the world i.e Ukraine and Russia has had a very large impact on international relations and it can be argued that that this had made the world a lot wider apart rather than closer together as globalization suggests. Not only that but poverty. the environment and how the world should go about producing energy in replacement for oil which is due to run out in 40 years time. Also how should all nations go about dealing with climate change and the problems that this presents. Finally how can all countries produce the same level of Human Rights and whether or not they are a stable enough country to have human rights in place.

The second part of the definition of global politics is to to with globalization. Globalization is the fact that the public's lives are more and more shaped by events and decisions that are made a great distance away from them. This basically meaning that decisions are made in different countries and by leaders who were not elected by all those who the decision concerns. An example of this is the EU were decisions are made in Brussels that may concern the UK fishing industry but the people who the decisions will affect are hundreds of miles away from the decision makers.

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