Sunday 18 October 2015

Is America the most powerful Nation in the State System?

What is the State System?
The true definition of the state system is as follows; A pattern of relationships between and amongst states that establishes a measure of order and predictability. This idea of a so called state system was originally laid out in the Peace Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. These Westphalia state system was based on two key points:

1. States have independent control as to what goes on inside their borders (internal sovereignty) and every other group or Nation state is therefore a subordinate to the state.

2. The Relations between and among states are structured by the acceptance of the Sovereign independence in which all states enjoy due to the first point. This then implies that all states are legally equal. However I will discuss below that this is clearly not the state.

The idea of a State System being eroded?
During the early era of the state system (after the peace Treaty of Westphalia). State sovereignty was the primary organizing principle of International Politics. However in recent years this state system which can also be known as a state centric approach (the state is at the center of everything) has become more and more difficult to sustain. This is mainly due to the continued growth in Transnational Corporations (General Motors), Non-Governmental organisations (Oxfam) and other Non state actors such as I.S.I.S (They are currently worth $2 billion dollars and they make around $3 million a day). All three can be seen as profit organisations although Oxfam looks to make a profit to help others. Due to this they can all have a massive impact on not merely regional but global policies to do with anything they have an interest in. For example General Motors will push for less tax on cars and Oxfam will push for more help to Third World Nations whilst ISIS will aim to attack the Western world in order to scare people and get further interest from possible recruits for example putting the beheading s of western journalists on YouTube, for the World to then see. This has then led to the development of the mixed actor model. This means that international politics is now shaped by a much broader range of interests and groups. Therefore allowing for the state to be practically by passed in certain areas of decision making. This then means that the state has then lost some of its Sovereignty. Due to it being no longer able to make all the decisions within its own borders, also states may now hugely be effected by decisions that are made in other nation states. For example the current idea of TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which is being negotiate between the U.S and EU is being brought together simply just to help the TNC's. This then shows a huge erosion of some of the EU states sovereignty. The fact that 20 councils in the UK have declared themselves as TTIP free zones in recent weeks just shows how much the general population do not want the TTIP agreement to come into place. You could also say that state system has not been eroded as the states still get the ultimate choice as to what goes on inside their borders.

Is America now the most powerful within the state system?
If you were to look at the facts then their is no doubt that the U.S.A has the greatest financial and military power. For example the current GDP of the U.S is 16.77 trillion this is only 7 trillion more than second place (China). Its so called superpower rival Russia has a GDP of only 3.3 trillion. Also when it come to military prowess USA rank only behind China with available soldiers ( China with 2.3 million, U.S with 1.4 million and Russia in 4th place with 776 thousand). Also when it comes to diplomatic factors the U.S.A is always their heading the discussions and making sure that its view point is heard loud and clear. For example with the on going crisis in Syria, the U.S.A were the first to take military action and to perform air strikes. Since then France and the U.K as well as Russia have all joined the party. This then shows the power in which the U.S has over other nation states. The spread of globalization has also been called Americanization, this has then led to the further spreading of Western ideologies and therefore creating further peace zones and allies for the U.S to then spread further influence throughout the World. This process will therefore only increase the Americans power within the state system and reduce other nation states power within the system. For these reasons alone it leaves me in No doubt that America is the most powerful nation within the state system currently. However I do feel that they are not as dominant as they were say 10 years ago this is due to the return of Russia under Putin (for example they should their true military prowess with cruise missiles being fired from 900 miles away from Syria on board a warship) and the continual rise of China and its economy at a rate of 7% or more compared to the U.S 3.9% (the U.K with a massive 0.7%).

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