Thursday 7 January 2016

What is the Nature of the EU as a political entity?

Background of the EU

The European Union was formed in 1993 following on from a process that began just after the end of World War 2 which began with the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community. When the Steel and Coal Community was created there where six original members. By the time it came to 1993 there was 12 members. This then show the advance in which the European community made in such a short time frame. However even bigger steps have been made since the European Union was created. One reason is the fact that there are now 28 members of the EU with the biggest influx coming in 2004 when 10 more nations joined. It also now has many different institutions and a say in nearly all of Europe's actions. Examples of the various institutions include the European Council, European Parliament and the European Court of Justice. Future of the European Union? There is no doubt that the EU will continue to expand. There are currently 5 candidate states (Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey). Not only this but there are potential candidates along with states who have withdrawn from the EU or have frozen there application (Iceland) and then there are states that have signed and EU association agreement such as Ukraine which means they are recognized by the EU as having a European policy and may apply for membership. What about future policy's and decision making? Many euro skeptics accuse the EU of being undemocratic as the Presidents are not voted in and the citizens of the EU have no real say other than when voting for MEP's. Not only this but nations such as the UK find it unfair how many migrants come into the country due to it being one of the more developed nations within the EU. So the biggest change that may actually take place in the next couple of years is for the United Kingdom to leave the EU as there is a referendum set to take place before the end of 2017.

EU as a Political Entity
The EU is seen as a Supranational body as it reduces some of the nations states sovereignty. For example things such as fishing regulations are controlled by the EU, as Spanish vessels are allowed to fish in British waters. Not only this but the EU laws are followed throughout the nations within the membership. Also if they anyone is to break these laws they have to then appear in the European Court of Justice. Since Winston Churchill's post war speech which stated the a 'United States of Europe' needs to be created this idea has been in the back of many figure heads minds. As they continue there quest to bring the EU closer together. Although the EU is still a way off this target the single currency and the idea of an EU constitution have certainly increased the possibility. However some nations who where part of the EU did not become a part of the Eurozone, such as the UK. Also the idea of an EU constitution was vetoed by France and a couple of other members. So although the EU continues to grow in size and power. The idea of it being a United States of Europe and a Superstate in particular are along way off at this moment in time. As fractions continue to grow between the EU and the UK. Not only this but many nations are afraid that the EU is becoming or may already be a German dominated body. This was only highlighted by the amount of money that Germany put towards the EU bailout plans compared to other nations and the fact that it has more MEP's 96 than any other member.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, well done - a good overview and also good use of terminology and examples to reinforce your points. Well done!
