Sunday 13 March 2016

What is the significance of international terrorism?

What is terrorism?
Terrorism is not a recent thing in fact it has been around since the first century. For example it began with dagger men from the Jewish Zealots against the Roman empire. However it was not until the 9/11 attacks that terrorism was reborn. We need to look at the definition of terrorism before going any further though. In the broadest sense of the word it refers to attempts to further political ends by using violence to create a climate of fear, apprehension and uncertainty. The most common forms of this being assassinations and bombings. However terrorism does not always have to result in death and destruction. As it can also be used to create unease and anxiety within society as minds are focused on future attacks that may bring great death and destruction. The IRA for example did not perform there attacks to kill a lot of people. For example in 1993 they detonated a truck bomb in London which only killed 1 person. The firms in the area of bishop gate then produced disaster recovery plans. Terrorism today still produces the same responses by the states and corporations within the state. For example strict border controls being implemented in the schegan area due to the threat of ISIS members walking into European countries. Not all terrorist organisations are global though. There are in fact four types of terrorism as follows:
1. Insurrectionary-Aimed at the revolutionary overthrow of the state.
2.Issue-Promotion of a single cause.
3.Nationalist-This aims to overthrow colonial rule or occupation, often with the goal of gaining independence for an ethic or religious group.
4.Global-This is aimed at inflicting damage and humiliation on a global power.

International Terrorism
For many this is now the principal threat to global security. I cant't say I disagree but I do think Syria and North Korea give it a close run. One of the reasons for this is that terrorism is clandestine in nature. This meaning that it has the element of surprise. This then causing people and international actors to be very precautious, which may lead to a build up in military capacity which can then lead to the security dilemma. The war on terror highlighted this as tensions rose around the world and terrorism look set to be the defining factor of 21st century global politics. The main reasons given for terrorism being the defining character is due to it now having a global reach and the potential damage of the attacks is now far greater than ever before. However there is one factor that has contributed to the rise of terrorism along with many good things that have come with it and that is the small matter of globalisation. This has allowed a dramatic increase in cross border flows of people. Also due to the spread of cultural globalisation and Americanization in particular, people in some nations have tried to not accept the western way of life and this has then promoted extremism. This is in fact one of Al-Qaeda's key policies to go against the USA.

What is it's significance? There is no doubting that terrorism is now an international problem which also requires a global solution, with attacks in the last 15 years in New York (9/11), Madrid (2004), London (2005) and multiple attacks in Asia and Africa showing this. The significance of it is indeed very high. As in many peoples mind it is the biggest threat to global security. Not only this but, due to the fear in which it installs in the general population it is thought of many when they now enter crowded areas particular in those cities/towns that have been effected before. So yes terrorism does cause death and destruction. It also brings major fear into peoples minds and this I feel is more powerful than any other crisis that we have in the world at this time. For example not many people will worry about the ongoing atrocities in Syria but many will worry about the recent terrorist attacks around the world such as those in Ankara (Turkey) and on holiday resorts in Tunisia and Egypt. Not only this but the recent P-5 unilateral agreement in November 2015 highlighted that this is a global problem and every nation faces problems with terrorism. No matter how large or powerful a nation is it feels it can no longer deal with these problems alone for example the USA and Russia supposedly fighting ISIS together.. All these reasons then highlight why I believe that the issue of global terrorism is a major one and increasing by the day. For example as this is written there has been a car bomb in Turkeys capital Ankara with early reports suggesting 27 people killed.

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